Shell Spirax - Axle and Transmission Oils
Shell Spirax oils are designed to help keep your transmission components protected so that they can go on working efficiently. For example, Shell Spirax S6 AXME and Shell Spirax S6 GXME have special frictional properties and high fluidity that reduce power loss, lower the operating temperature and offer higher mechanical efficiency.Their benefits have been demonstrated through extensive laboratory tests and over 20 million kilometres of field trials.
The Shell Spirax range of axle, gear and automatic transmission fluids has been developed to enable drivers, fleet owners and owner operators to select the oil that will deliver optimum value to their operations through enhanced wear protection, long oil life and effi ciency.
Protecting axles and gears from wear can help to reduce maintenance costs, extend vehicle life and maximise your return on investment.The Shell Spirax range of axle and gear oils offers proven protection, including the latest synthetic oils that deliver exceptional wear, pitting, bearing-failure and corrosion protection for heavy-duty axles, transmissions and gears operating under highly stressed conditions. This can help to reduce your costs.
The longer an oil goes on protecting its components, the less maintenance your vehicle requires, so it can continue to operate with less interruption, which can reduce your maintenance costs. The Shell Spirax range contains oils that are designed to offer you value through exceptional oil life and protection that enable oil-drain intervals and component life to be extended.For example, in industry-standard oxidation tests, Shell Spirax S6 AXME axle oil remains in specifi cation after four times the normal duration of the test, which means that it can go on protecting your vehicle components for longer.
Shell Spirax oils are designed to help keep your transmission components protected so that they can go on working effi ciently. For instance, Shell Spirax S6 AXME and Shell Spirax S6 GXME have special frictional properties and high fl uidity that reduce power loss, lower the operating temperature and offer higher mechanical effi ciency.These properties can help to deliver fuel effi ciency and savings.
Many gearboxes and axles use different materials and operate under different conditions. A single oil used for both applications may lead to a compromise in either or both the axle and gearbox wear protection and effi ciency.Shell Spirax oils have been specifically designed to meet the challenges and requirements of many industry-leading automatictransmission, axle and gear manufacturers. The oils are formulated by Shell’s scientists to help deliver the specific oxidation, shear stability and performance characteristics needed to best provide protection, power and effi ciency for each application.